Stress Release Workshop
Our "weak link" determines our type of stress-related ailment.
StReSs HaPpEnS causing the following:
- Hypothalamus (imbalance associated with cravings and addictions to sweets, alcohol, etc.)alerts Endocrine System and Autonomic System.
- Endocrine Systems Pituitary gland releases Adreno-coricotrophic hormone (ACTH) which stimulates Adrenal Glands. Adrenalin creates sudden rush you feel when your body is endangered.
- Thyrotrophic Hormone (TTH) which stimulates Thyroid Gland.
- The Autonomic Nervous System regulates all involuntary organs such as liver, heart, kidneys, etc. which do much of the work to break down stress hormones.
- Stress hormones accrue as our stress continues causing imbalance.
This Stress Reaction causes a myriad of ill affects such as:
- Arteries Constrict
- Heart Beats Faster
- Blood Clotting Increases
- White blood Count-Fight Infection
- Red Blood Count up-Carry Oxygen
- Immunity Weakens with Continued Stress
- Digestive Processes Slow
- More Sugar Released into Blood
- Corticoids Release-Causes Thymus Gland to Shrink and Lymph Nodes to Atrophy and Development of Ulcers
- Brain Control goes from Frontal Lobes (where conscious decision making is done) to back of Brain (where automatic responses occur)
Hands-On Simple Steps for Releasing Stress
Defusing Your Reaction to Stress Triggers
DATE: Thursday, June 16, 2011
TIME: 7:00-8:00 p.m.
PLACE: 5220 Sandhill Rd., Almont, Mi. 48003, (see map link)
COST: $15 Bring a friend and you both receive 20% off = $12/ea.