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    Bioenergetics, The Transformation of Energy in Living Organisms

    Improve the Master Control of Biochemical Processes

  • Infoceuticals & MiHealth


    Infoceutical Drops

    MiHealth Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields and Microcurrent Therapy

    Give Your Body Energy and Information on a Bioenergetic Level

Circadian Rhythm and Hormonal Balance Interference

Hormonal Clock

Before I get to the subject for today, I would like to share with you a great tool for knowing the best time of day for photosynthesis in your area of the world.  We have learned about the value of photosynthesis from the sun's rays and grounding by taking off your shoes and connecting with the earth and all those beneficial electrons.  I have an app that tells me when the sunlight in my area is at the right spectrum to increase my Vitamin D levels with outside sunlight exposure.  I always try to ground by putting my bare feet on the ground outside during my sun exposure time so I get two great things for my health done at the same time.

The app I use to tell when the spectrum of light coming from the sun will help increase my Vitamin D levels is called "dminder". Here is what the dminder icon looks like on my cell phone screen:

There is great information here and I use the following every day:
Solar noon time (1:32 PM on this day)
The time of day to increase Vitamin D levels (D from 9:43-5:21 on this day)

The dminder app allows you to add personal information and even set your weekly target D amount.  I just use it once a day to see when my opportunities for increasing my Vitamin D are and when solar noon is so I can go outside at the most beneficial times of the day.

Now to the subject at hand.  What might be interfering with your circadian rhythm and hormonal balance?

Blue Light

Blue light from the morning sun actually tells our brain it is time to be awake and so it helps to set our circadian rhythm for the day.  However, exposure to non-natural blue light from the computer, cell phone and television screens near the end of the day can keep us from going to sleep.  See link to blue light study below and quote from *Harvard study about the possible link to higher cancer rates of night shift workers. 

It is best not to be looking at the screen of a computer, cell phone or other electronic devices 2-3 hours before bedtime.  If there is no way around not looking at a screen before bed, you can wear blue light filtering glasses.  I avoid screens before bed for the most part, but on occasion when I do need to look at a screen in the evening, I wear my orange, blue filtering glasses.

Uvex Skyper safety eyewear (orange tinted) tested by Consumer Reports and was found to cut out almost all blue light.                             
I purchased my pair from Amazon.

The Health Risks of Nighttime Light

Study after study has linked working the night shift and exposure to light at night to several types of cancer (breast, prostate), diabetes, heart disease, and obesity...exposure to light suppresses the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that influences circadian rhythms, and there is some experimental evidence (it's preliminary) that lower melatonin levels might explain the association with cancer.

A Harvard study shed a little bit of light on the possible connection to diabetes and possibly obesity.  The researchers put 10 people on a schedule that gradually shifted the timing of their circadian rhythms.  Their blood sugar levels increased, throwing them into a prediabetic state, and levels of leptin, a hormone that leaves people feeling full after a meal, went down.

Even dim light can interfere with a person's circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion.  A mere eight lux - a level of brightness exceeded by most table lamps and about twice that of a night light - has an effect, notes Stephen Lockley, a Harvard sleep researcher.  Light at night is part of the reason so many people don't get enough sleep, says Lockley, and researchers have linked short sleep to increased risk of depression, as well as diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Harvard Study of Blue Light

Have a Hands-On Healthy, Sunny, Full Spectrum Day,

Pulse Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) for your Health

Electromagnetic Fields

Electromagnetic Fields of the Earth

The electromagnetic fields of the earth actually interact with our bodies, including our bones.  There are man-made fields which interfere with that process but there are some preventative things that we can do.  I will share those in another post.  For now, I just have to share this great link that explains how pulse electromagnetic fields (PEMF) can help our body to heal:

Pulse Electromagnetic Fields and How They Heal

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: How They Heal (By William Pawluk, MD, MSc Board Certified Family Physician and Holistic Health Practitioner; Former Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the University of Maryland Dr Pawluk is the creator of and authoritative informational source on PEMFs.  He has also authored a book, and appeared and consulted for the media, as well as universities conducting research)

NES Health MiHealth

I have used the NES Health MiHealth PEMF/Micro-Current Device for my torn rotator cuff tendons and now I have a full range of motion in my shoulder, absolutely no pain and no surgery was needed.  

The NES Health Bioenergetic Scan tests to see which programs on the MiHealth are needed for the best benefit.  Here is a sample of the recommendation screen from an NES Health Body Field Scan.  The ER's listed next to the picture of the MiHealth are settings on the MiHealth that are used to clear blockages in the acupuncture meridian pathways.

More About PEMF

PubMed has many studies about PEMF; here is a list of just a few issues that it helps

Ø  EMFs are applied for tissue regeneration
Ø  Ability to stimulate cell proliferation and immune functions.
Ø  PEMF are highly influential in the fracture repair process
Ø  Osteoporosis
Ø  Increasing lumbar spinal fusion rates
Ø  Peripheral nerve repair
Ø  Anti-inflammatory effect in microglial cells
Ø  Low-Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Is Able to Modulate miRNAs in an Experimental Cell Model of Alzheimer's Disease


PubMed study about PEMF treatment after C-section

·   Significantly increased patient satisfaction and decreased:
1.      postsurgical pain
2.      analgesic use
3.      surgical wound discharge
4.      edema

Have a Hands-On Healthy Electromagnetic Day!


Vitamin D and Sun Exposure

Before I post some great information in regards to sunlight, vitamin D and your health, I want to mention that my favorite grounding pads are on sale (as of August 12, 2016).  When you buy 1, you get 3 free!  You can see what it looks like on the right, top of this page (I made the photo large so it is easier to see), you click the link to the website then click on "4 x 1 Earth Mat Special" found on the left for this amazing deal.  

I bought 4 pads and cut some of them with scissors to fit them where I want.  What a great investment; now I can ground anytime, anywhere! Here are some ideas for sizes you can cut them into and use such as:                          

  • 2 x 2 inches to put in the back pocket of pants
  • 4 x 4 inches to to tuck in waistband near hip, stomach or back (wherever there is pain),
  • Shaped to fit in your shoe (great for staying grounded all day; I would advice using a pad on the upper part of your body at the same time to help balance meridians)
  • 2 larger squares to put on front and back of head to calm fight or flight response in the brain (works great to calm the brain during a seasonal allergy reaction for symptom relief)
Now on to the post for today...

Could THIS Be the Hidden Factor Behind 

  Obesity, Heart Disease, and Chronic Fatigue? 

Story at-a-glance
·         Sulfur deficiency is common, and may be a contributing factor in obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer's and other chronic health conditions.
·         Sulfur, cholesterol, and vitamin D produced in your skin as a result of sun exposure, are all intricately connected and necessary for optimal health, particularly heart health.
·         When exposed to sunshine, your skin produces two types of sulfur: cholesterol sulfate, and vitamin D3 sulfate.
·         It is believed that vitamin D3 from oral supplements, which is unsulfated, cannot be converted to D3 sulfate, and may therefore not have the identical health benefits as the vitamin D your skin synthesizes
September 17 2011 By Dr. Mercola
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a senior scientist at MIT and has been conducting research there for over three decades. However, she also has an undergraduate degree in biology from MIT, and a minor in food and nutrition. 
Sulfur deficiency is pervasive, and may be a contributing factor in:
·         Obesity
·         Heart disease
·         Alzheimer's disease
·         Chronic fatigue
·         And more
She also believes conventional medicine is seriously confused about cholesterol, which is closely interrelated with sulfur. Furthermore, healthy cholesterol and sulfur levels are also highly dependent on your vitamin D levels! Here, she discusses the importance and the intricate relationships among these three factors.
Heart Disease May be a Cholesterol Deficiency Problem...
Considering the fact that conventional medicine has been telling us that heart disease is due to elevated cholesterol and recommends lowering cholesterol levels as much as possible, Dr. Seneff's claims may come as a complete shock:
"Heart disease, I think, is a cholesterol deficiency problem, and in particular a cholesterol sulfate deficiency problem..."
She points out that all of this information is available in the research literature, but it requires putting all the pieces together to see the full picture. Through her research, she believes that the mechanism we call "cardiovascular disease," of which arterial plaque is a hallmark, is actually your body's way to compensate for not having enough cholesterol sulfate.
She explains:
"The macrophages in the plaque take up LDL, the small dense LDL particles that have been damaged by sugar... The liver cannot take them back because the receptor can't receive them, because they are gummed with sugar basically. So they're stuck floating in your body... Those macrophages in the plaque do a heroic job in taking that gummed up LDL out of the blood circulation, carefully extracting the cholesterol from it to save it – the cholesterol is important – and then exporting the cholesterol into HDL – HDL A1 in particular... That's the good guy, HDL.
The platelets in the plaque take in HDL A1 cholesterol and they won't take anything else... They take in sulfate, and they produce cholesterol sulfate in the plaque.
The sulfate actually comes from homocysteine. Elevated homocysteine is another risk factor for heart disease. Homocysteine is a source of sulfate. It also involves hemoglobin. You have to consume energy to produce a sulfate from homocysteine, and the red blood cells actually supply the ATP to the plaque.
So everything is there and the intent is to produce cholesterol sulfate and it's done in the arteries feeding the heart, because it's the heart that needs the cholesterol sulfate. If [cholesterol sulfate is not produced]... you end up with heart failure."
So, in a nutshell, high LDL appears to be a sign of cholesterol sulfate deficiency—it's your body's way of trying to maintain the correct balance by taking damaged LDL and turning it into plaque, within which the blood platelets produce the cholesterol sulfate your heart and brain needs for optimal function... What this also means is that when you artificially lower your cholesterol with a statin drug, which effectively reduces that plaque but doesn't address the root problem, your body is not able to compensate any longer, and as a result of lack of cholesterol sulfate you may end up with heart failure.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: How Sun Exposure Impacts Your Sulfur Status
According to the conventional view, high LDL is correlated with heart disease, so the idea is that you can take a statin drug to artificially reduce the LDL and you'll be fine. However, as Dr. Seneff explains, if you have high LDL, it's because your body probably needs it to produce cholesterol sulfate, which your heart requires for optimal function. Hence, when you simply remove the LDL, you also remove your body's "backup" mechanism to keep your heart as healthy as possible, and as a result you get heart failure.
But high LDL is correlated with cardiovascular disease (please note that cardiovascular disease is an entirely different disease category from heart failure, which explains a lot of the confusion on this issue), so how can your body produce cholesterol sulfate without the harmful LDL?
How is it produced under normal, healthy conditions?
This is where sun exposure enters the picture. When you expose your skin to sunshine, your skin synthesizes vitamin D3 sulfate. This form of vitamin D is water soluble, unlike oral vitamin D3 supplements, which is unsulfated. The water soluble form can travel freely in your blood stream, whereas the unsulfated form needs LDL (the so-called "bad" cholesterol) as a vehicle of transport.
Her suspicion is that the simple oral non-sulfated form of vitamin D likely will not provide the same benefits as the vitamin D created in your skin from sun exposure, because it cannot be converted to vitamin D sulfate. This is yet another reason to really make a concerted effort to get ALL your vitamin D requirements from exposure to sunshine!
"[S]ulfate actually inactivates vitamin D," Dr. Seneff says. "The sulfated form of vitamin D does not work for calcium transport, which I find very intriguing. And in fact, I think it's the sulfated form for vitamin D that offers the protection from cancer. It strengthens your immune system. It protects you from cardiovascular disease. It's good for your brain. It helps depression. I think all of those effects of vitamin D are effects of vitamin D sulfate."
For those who are still under the mistaken impression that sun exposure is the primary cause of skin cancer, the following explanation may be of great help. In a Weston A. Price article on sulfur,
Dr. Seneff states that:
"Both cholesterol and sulfur afford protection in the skin from radiation damage to the cell's DNA, the kind of damage that can lead to skin cancer. Cholesterol and sulfur become oxidized upon exposure to the high frequency rays in sunlight, thus acting as antioxidants to "take the heat," so to speak. Oxidation of cholesterol is the first step in the process by which cholesterol transforms itself into vitamin D3."
As I've stated before, your body was designed to be exposed to the rays of the sun, and your skin contains all the necessary mechanisms to extract or produce beneficial nutrients from it while simultaneously shielding itself from harm. When you circumvent this natural process, either by using sunblock or staying out of the sun entirely, you lose all the health benefits, and give a variety of disease processes free reign.
Cholesterol Sulfate—The Link Between Obesity and Lack of Sun Exposure?
Furthermore, your skin also produces huge amounts of cholesterol sulfate, which is also water soluble and provides a healthy barrier against bacteria and other potentially disease-causing pathogens that might otherwise enter your body through your skin. And, due to its polarity, it can enter both fat cells and muscle cells with equal ease. Dr. Seneff proposes that, because of this, cholesterol sulfate may be able to protect fat and muscle cells from glucose and oxygen damage.
She also argues that when you're deficient in cholesterol sulfate, your muscle and fat cells become more prone to damage, which subsequently can lead to glucose intolerance; a condition where your muscles cannot process glucose as a fuel. As a result, your fat cells have to store more fat in order to supply fuel to your muscles, and excess fat accumulates as damage increases.
Sulfur also plays an important role in glucose metabolism. She hypothesizes that if sufficient amounts of sulfur is available, it will act as a decoy to glucose, effectively diverting it to reduce the sulfur rather than glycating and causing damage. This would have the beneficial effect of reducing inflammation, as sugar (glucose) is highly inflammatory and wreaks havoc in your body.
The Many Roles of Sulfur
Overall, sulfate appears to be a highly underestimated molecule with vast health implications. Dr. Seneff discusses her findings in great detail, but offers the following analogy:
"[I]f you breakdown the sulfate you will release energy, which means that the sulfate is actually absorbing the energy from light... I think of the skin as a battery – or solar panel you might say – taking in the sun's energy and saving it in the form of the sulfate molecule storing the energy in the sun."
It seems logical that humans would have some capacity to absorb energy from the sun directly, but this is the first time I've heard of a molecular explanation for this capacity!
"I have a lot of thoughts about what sulfate does," Dr. Seneff says. "One thing I'm quite sure of is that cholesterol sulfate is highly protective against bacterial and virus invasions. That's why sun exposure protects you from infection. It strengthens your immune system. That cholesterol sulfate is incredibly important to immunity."
Sulfur also plays a vital role in the structure and biological activity of both proteins and enzymes. If you don't have sufficient amounts of sulfur in your body, this deficiency can cascade into a number of health problems as it will affect bones, joints, connective tissues, metabolic processes, and more.
Other areas where sulfur plays an important role include:
·         Your body's electron transport system, as part of iron/sulfur proteins in mitochondria, the energy factories of your cells
·         Vitamin-B thiamine (B1) and biotin conversion, which in turn are essential for converting carbohydrates into energy
·         Synthesizing important metabolic intermediates, such as glutathione
·         Proper insulin function. The insulin molecule consists of two amino acid chains connected to each other by sulfur bridges, without which the insulin cannot perform its biological activity
·         Detoxification
Sulfate—Essential for Babies
Cholesterol sulfate is also essential for babies in utero. A woman has about 1.5 units of cholesterol sulfate normally in her blood. When she gets pregnant, her blood levels of cholesterol sulfate steadily rise, and it also begins to accumulate in the villi in the placenta—which is where nutrients are transferred from the placenta to the baby. At the end of pregnancy the cholesterol sulfate in the villi rises to levels of about 24 units!
Colostrum also contains high levels of sulfur, even more than the breast milk itself. So clearly, nature seeks to provide the baby with plenty of both sulfur and cholesterol at the time of birth. Interestingly enough, when a mother has high serum cholesterol, the baby's levels are typically low.
Dr. Seneff explains:
"[Because] it can't get through. The mother has high serum cholesterol I think because she has low serum cholesterol sulfate. I think the two go together. The way to bring down your LDL in a healthy way is to get sunlight exposure on your skin. Your skin will produce cholesterol sulfate, which will then flow freely to the blood—not packaged up inside LDL—and therefore your liver doesn't have to make so much LDL. So the LDL goes down.
In fact... there is a complete inverse relationship between sunlight and cardiovascular disease – the more sunlight, the less cardiovascular disease."
Now, when a baby is born of a mother who has high cholesterol and low cholesterol sulfate, the baby's cholesterol will be low, but will also have fatty deposits in its arteries...despite the fact that fatty deposits are supposed to be associated with high cholesterol.
"The deposits are there, I think, to start this cholesterol sulfate program that's replacing the one that isn't happening..." Dr. Senneff explains. "Children who have adequate cholesterol sulfate delivered from their mother do not have fatty deposits... It's bizarre, but the high cholesterol associated with fatty deposits in the adult (that's causing heart disease) is a solution, not a cause."
This is a complete turnaround in thinking compared to the conventional paradigm!
"The worst thing you can do is to clobber the LDL... because you're going to end up with heart failure," Dr. Seneff says..
Dietary Sources of Sulfur
Sulfur is derived almost exclusively from dietary protein, such as fish and high-quality (organic and/or grass-fed/pastured) beef and poultry. Meat and fish are considered "complete" as they contain all the sulfur-containing amino acids you need to produce new protein. 
Coconut oil and olive oil also contain sulfur (and are ideal sources of healthful saturated fats too). Other dietary sources that contain small amounts of sulfur IF the food was grown in soil that contains adequate amounts of sulfur, include:
Organic pastured eggs - Brussel Sprouts - Asparagus - Legumes - Garlic - Kale - Onion - Wheat germ
Any diet high in grains and processed foods is likely to be deficient in sulfur, because once whole foods are processed, sulfur is lost. Additionally, soils around the world are becoming increasingly sulfur-depleted, resulting in less sulfur-rich foods overall...
In addition to making sure you're getting high amounts of sulfur-rich foods in your diet, Dr. Seneff recommends soaking your body in magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) baths to compensate and counteract sulfur deficiency. She uses about ¼ cup in a tub of water, twice a week. It's particularly useful if you have joint problems or arthritis.

Light and Leptin, A Master Hormone

We have talked about the benefits of morning light through the retina signaling
our brain to wake-up while also signaling our anterior pituitary gland and circadian
rhythm.  Light through the retina also goes past the pituitary gland to the
hypothalamus affecting our leptin receptor.

Why is Leptin so important?

Leptin tells our brain when we are full.  If we are leptin resistant, we never feel
full and so we think we need to always fill our "tank" by eating.

The report linked to below tells us that "food intake is regulated via neural circuits
located in the hypothalamus...Absence of circulating, functionally active, leptin
hormone results in obesity..."

Control of food intake via leptin receptors in the hypothalamus:

Leptin is a master hormone which also impacts immune function and fertility:

Have a Hands-On Healthy sun filled day,

Next Post: What may be interfering with your circadian rhythm, sleep and DHA levels

UPDATE: Checking in with how well my weight loss is going.  I just returned from a 2 week vacation and family reunion.  All and all with the compromises I had to make as far as what I ate while traveling, I am happy with the results; I gained a couple of pounds.  However, as soon as I returned I got right back to my regularly scheduled program and lost those 2 pounds and another within a few days.  I am sure that being at the beach, setting my eye clock every day, getting lots of sunlight, and drinking lots of water was a great help.

Now that I have been home for a couple of weeks, I have lost more weight.  My total thus far is 17 pounds.  

How we get Energy From the Food we Eat

Today I would like to share some great information about what food eventually breaks down to in the body.  My anatomy and physiology class and every textbook teach that the input to the mitochondria is called Electron Transport Chain.  In other words, our food is eventually broken down into electrons.  Please let me repeat that because it may cause a change in how you think about food, diet, health, and yes, weight loss.  I know it did for me.  

The Energy from our Food is Eventually Transferred in the Form of Electrons.  Why is this Important?

In previous posts, I shared information about grounding and increasing electrons for better health.   The fact that food becomes an electron in the body, changes the way I look at my own diet. Being outside in the sunlight, connecting with the earth with bare feet or leather souls increases the electrons in our body. The more we increase those electrons in our body and energetically support ourselves, it is in essence a way of "feeding" our body.  Wow! Now that is something to think about.  

NES Health Infoceuticals and Energetic Support

This may sound crazy but I have found this to be true.  NES Health Infoceuticals can support the body very well on an energetic level to increase and transfer information throughout the body.

There is even more to this story...

If we want to increase the electrons in our body, it is important to be hydrated.  If we think in terms of charging up our body with electrons, photons from the sun are a source of electrons through the spectrum of light that comes from the sun and hits our skin.  If we want our body to use and hold those electrons (kind of like a battery), our body needs to be hydrated.  NES Health Infoceuticals and the miHealth PEMF/Microcurrent device work so much better when we are very well hydrated.  

If you would like to read more about the Electron Transport System:

Have a sunny Hands-On Healthy weekend,


Next Post: Light and Leptin (the weight loss hormone)

Wonderful Energetic Benefits

Mental Clarity

One of my favorite things about giving up sugar is mental clarity and focus.  Oh, and a close second favorite thing about not eating sugar is that I no longer have seasonal allergies! 

As far as the mental clarity, it has made it so much easier for me to notice when something I eat is causing a problem.  I can easily tell if a food is causing inflammation so that I can remove it from my diet right away to prevent those issues.  I have removed grains for now because I could tell it negatively affected my blood sugar levels and left me feeling like a slug.  The exhaustion was not worth it to me and it was just not helping my hormonal balance.  Hormonal balance is my goal and low blood sugar and inflammation are signs that it’s just not happening.

Foods I Eat

  • Plenty of coconut oil to prevent sugar cravings
  • Fish to increase DHA levels
  • Grass-fed beef to increase DHA levels
  • Cooking with Ghee sometimes (melt butter until milk solids dissipate)
  • Seasonal foods from my garden (black raspberries grew spontaneously; a Michigan surprise!)
    • Spinach
    • Strawberries
    • Zucchini
    • Wild Black Raspberries
  • Drinking plenty of water

Things I do

  • Setting circadian rhythm by looking toward the sun within 30 minutes of getting out of bed
  • Eating breakfast with plenty of protein and fat within 30 minutes of getting out of bed
  • Getting some sun to help balance hormones and increase vitamin D 
    • Start with 10 minutes at a time and increase 5 at a time and do what is comfortable for you; please listen to your body
    • Do not let your skin burn but do not use sunscreen
  • Avoiding screens (blue light) within 1 hour before bedtime (keeps brain awake)
  • Since it is summertime, I rarely turn on the man-made lights in my house (interferes with hormonal balance and DHA levels)
  • As much grounding as I can by putting my feet in the grass 

Benefits I have noticed

  • No more anxiety
  • Plenty of happiness
  • No more seasonal allergies
  • Weight loss of about 1 pound per week (over 10 pounds so far)
  • Major sleep changes
    • Each evening my body tells me when it is time to sleep
    • I go to sleep within minutes of  lying down (fantastic change for me)
    • I sleep deeply and have long dreams (a good sign of great cellular repair)
    • I wake up only 1 time during the night (nature callsJ) and I go right back to sleep
  • When I wake up in the morning I am refreshed and ready to get up
  • I have plenty of energy all day long

Hands-On Healthy Tip

Begin by eating small amounts of fat at one time to help prevent digestive issues.  You can start with 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil and slowly increase to 1-3 teaspoons at a time.  Certain foods, such as hydrogenated fats have negative effects on the liver if they have been eaten in the past.  The liver will need to improve as time goes on.

Eating fat with your vegetables can help prevent nausea that may occur if you eat fat alone.  If you have any discomfort when eating fats, it is helpful to very gently massage near your gallbladder.  The gallbladder stores bile that the liver produces which helps to digest fats.  The gallbladder is behind the ribs on the right side of the body.  Gently tuck your fingers under your ribs on your right side and gently massage (do not massage under the sternum in the center).  Neuro lymphatic reflex points for small intestine are under the ribs on both sides so you can massage under the left rib also if you would like.

Have a Hands-On Healthy day.  Please pass it on.
