NES Health Scan Kidney Energetic Rejuvenators
NES Health Body Field Scan
NES Health Body Field Scan Energy Screen
The Energy Screen on an NES Health scan includes the Energetic Rejuvenator (ER) points that can be used to clear blockages in the communication pathways.
Clicking on ER20 Kidney in the NES Health Energy Screen, displays the other ER points associated with the kidney energetic pathways. The acupuncture meridian pathway is highlighted in blue. Pain or discomfort can occur anywhere along the pathway in addition to the organ system where there are energetic blockages.
Kidney Emotions
The kidneys form a vital part of the fluid maintenance of the body. The adrenal glands so vital in hormonal production and the management of stress, sit at the top of the kidneys. The kidneys filter waste products from the blood. Traditional Chinese Medicine gives the role of storing bio-energy to the kidneys and believe kidney energy affects the brain cell function and stamina on an energetic level.
Associated Emotions
Emotions for ER20, ER21, ER22, ER23, ER24 related to the kidney energetic rejuvenator:
- Balance in our lives and problems may be associated with a lack of balance in our masculine and feminine attributes or a lack of balance in our personal relationships. The main cause of this lack of balance is thought to be fear of loss or separation. Body/mind associations include seeing beyond the details, the obvious and the material and instead, moving to an expanded and greater view of the possibilities. The opposite imbalance may occur when we put undue pressure on ourselves or have unrealistic expectations. The cervical spine is associated with not feeling loved, it may prevent us from doing things for another that would show our love for them, and so avoids the pain of the love we give out not being reciprocated. The body/mind association for the knees suggest pride. Stiff unbending knees are associated with stubbornness and obstinance, while weak unstable knees represent low self-esteem and lack of pride in our own achievements.
The Power of Your Mind
Rewrite Your Script and Feed Your Mind Healing Thoughts
Don't underestimate the power of your mind. Your brain and nervous system want to feel safe. If your mind doesn't feel safe, your body chemistry will produce many stress hormones to try to remedy what it feels is a real situation. Your energetic organ systems and your biochemistry are greatly influenced by the truths your mind believes. How can you help your peace of mind? Refocus your thoughts and create a feeling of safety and wellbeing to help prevent a cascade of ill effects (stress).
Thoughts to Support Kidney Energetic Organ System
The following thoughts for the kidney and associated energetic rejuvenators will support the energetic organ system of the kidneys:
- I move forward with confidence, and the support I need is found in abundance all around me.
- I release and forgive and move forward feeling safe in the world.
- I am secure in who I am, easily flow with change, and feel guided in my direction.
- I am flexible, flowing and accommodating.
NES Health Energetic Rejuvenator MiHealth Settings
The Energetic Rejuvenator settings on the NES Health MiHealth Pulsed Electromagnetic Field/Micro-current device open blocked pathways in the acupuncture meridian system in order to improve communication throughout the body.
NES Health Infoceutical Drops
Energetic Driver 12 (ED12) Infoceutical has been designed to restore the kidney driver field where it has become depleted.
Energetic Integrator 6 (EI6) Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to this integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.