The Best Way to Calm Stress
The Best Way to Calm Stress
Your Kidney acupuncture meridian begins on the sole of the foot. Kidney 1 acupuncture point is in the center at the base of the ball of the foot; just about where you see the crease in the middle of this sweet little babies foot. This acupuncture point is sometimes called "Gushing Spring" or "Bubbling Spring". Kidney 1 is the lowest acupuncture point and the only acupuncture meridian that begins on the bottom of the feet. Therefore, it is the only acupuncture point that connects with the earth when we stand or walk.
Increasing Ions
The best way to tap into the negative ions of the earth is by direct contact of kidney 1 and the soles of the feet with the surface of the earth. I know what you are thinking because I have heard those thoughts many a time from others. "That sounds too good to be true", "Are you kidding", "That sounds much too simple". Yes, it is very simple. When I was first introduced to the idea, it got me thinking about how often the soles of my feet touch the earth. I must say that I realized that it was a rare occasion for me.
Just 10-20 Minutes can make all the Difference
The ungrounded subjects expressed the perception of greater pain.
Gaétan Chevalier, Stephen T. Sinatra, James L. Oschman, Karol Sokal, and Pawel Sokal, “Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons,” Journal of Environmental and Public Health, vol. 2012, Article ID 291541, 8 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/291541
Very Important: Cortisol Levels After Grounding
Hormonal Balance
Hormonal balance is key and cortisol levels play a role in our fight or flight response. When circadian rhythm is unbalanced and cortisol levels are chronically high, it is a biomarker associated with many chronic diseases. Pain, psychological stress and poor sleep are associated with dis-regulation of cortisol levels in circadian profile.
Abnormal cortisol levels contribute to adverse health conditions, including:
- Sleep disorders
- Hypertension & cardiovascular disease
- Decreased bone density
- Decreased immune response
- Mood disturbances
- Autoimmune disease
- Abnormal glucose levels
Why balanced cortisol levels are so important
University of California Irvine Electrophysiology pilot study came to this conclusion:
- Grounding effectively enhances parasympathetic activity.
- Grounding facilitates a deeper resting state by enhancing parasympathetic activity.
What is the best way to lower your stress level?
Enhance the Parasympathetic Nervous System!!
Medical Thermography CASE STUDIES
Studies found here: