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Acupuncture Meridian Cycle Chart

Acupuncture Meridian 24-Hour Cycle


If you tend to wake up during a certain time at night and you can't get back to sleep, you may have blocked energy associated with a certain acupuncture meridian pathway.  

In the past, I have had issues with asthma and my lungs.  I usually wake up between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. and I am unable to go back to sleep right away.  To help prevent this problem, I run ER6 Lung in the Energetic Rejuvenator folder on my NES Health miHealth.  I also sometimes include the Energetic Rejuvenator for liver energy since the Liver energy flows into the Lung on the Chinese clock (see below).

Traditional Chinese Medicine 24-hour clock

Here is the timeline with associated organ/acupuncture meridian:

1am - 3 am ..................Liver
3am - 5 am ..................Lung
5am - 7 am....Large Intestine
7am - 9 am..............Stomach
9am - 11am............... Spleen
11am - 1pm.................. Heart
1pm - 3pm.....Small Intestine
3pm - 5pm............... Bladder
5pm - 7pm................ Kidney
7pm - 9pm....Circulation/Sex
9pm - 11pm....Triple Warmer
11pm – 1am.......Gall Bladder

      NES Health MiHealth Chinese Cycle Setting


NES Health MiHealth Energy Folder    

NES Health MiHealth 24-hour Chinese Cycle
It is important to be sure the clock on the MiHealth is the correct time
as this will determine what part of the cycle will run when you turn it on. 
Place the MiHealth on your chest while running the cycle on off-body mode.