NES Health Body Field Scan Mind Screens
The Body/Mind Screen of
NES Health Body Field Scans
NES Health Body Field Scan
Energy Screen
The Energy Screen on an NES Health scan includes the Energetic Rejuvenator (ER) points that can be used to clear blockages in the communication pathways.
The Energy Screen on an NES Health scan includes the Energetic Rejuvenator (ER) points that can be used to clear blockages in the communication pathways.
Zooming in on the Mind Screen
Clicking on ER29 Liver, other ER points associated with the liver show up on the screen. The acupuncture meridian pathway is highlighted in blue. Pain or discomfort can occur anywhere along the pathway in addition to the organ system where there are energetic blockages.
Liver Emotions
The liver helps us keep the body free of toxins and relates to living a healthy, happy life. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the liver is associated with excess or repressed anger, rage, resentment, frustration and irritability. These emotions can be thought of as being stored in the liver rather than being expressed in a healthy way, possibly leading to depression and bitterness.
Looking Closer at the Liver and Related Emotions
Emotions for ER5, ER30, ER31, ER32, ER53, ER65 related to the liver energetic rejuvenator:
- Emotional balance or being centered. Imbalance can occur from taking everything to the heart (being too serious), a lack of love for ourselves or heartbreak, always putting others needs before our own.
- Not wanting to 'see' what is going on in a particular situation.
- When we are grounded, we are sure of ourselves, able to move forward with confidence. An imbalance may show up as an issue comes up in which we feel reluctant to move forward or the perception that something (or someone) is impeding our progress.
Zooming in on the Mind Screen
Clicking on ER29 Liver, other ER points associated with the liver show up on the screen. The acupuncture meridian pathway is highlighted in blue. Pain or discomfort can occur anywhere along the pathway in addition to the organ system where there are energetic blockages.
Liver Emotions
The liver helps us keep the body free of toxins and relates to living a healthy, happy life. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the liver is associated with excess or repressed anger, rage, resentment, frustration and irritability. These emotions can be thought of as being stored in the liver rather than being expressed in a healthy way, possibly leading to depression and bitterness.
Looking Closer at the Liver and Related Emotions
Emotions for ER5, ER30, ER31, ER32, ER53, ER65 related to the liver energetic rejuvenator:
- Emotional balance or being centered. Imbalance can occur from taking everything to the heart (being too serious), a lack of love for ourselves or heartbreak, always putting others needs before our own.
- Not wanting to 'see' what is going on in a particular situation.
- When we are grounded, we are sure of ourselves, able to move forward with confidence. An imbalance may show up as an issue comes up in which we feel reluctant to move forward or the perception that something (or someone) is impeding our progress.
The Power of Your Mind
Rewrite Your Script and Feed Your Mind Healing Thoughts
Don't underestimate the power of your mind. Your brain and nervous system want to feel safe. If your mind doesn't feel safe, your body chemistry will produce many stress hormones to try to remedy what it feels is a real situation. Your energetic organ systems and your biochemistry are greatly influenced by the truths your mind believes. How can you help your peace of mind? Refocus your thoughts and create a feeling of safety and wellbeing to help prevent a cascade of ill effects (stress).
Supporting the Liver
The following thoughts for the liver and associated energetic rejuvenators will support the energetic organ system of the liver:
Don't underestimate the power of your mind. Your brain and nervous system want to feel safe. If your mind doesn't feel safe, your body chemistry will produce many stress hormones to try to remedy what it feels is a real situation. Your energetic organ systems and your biochemistry are greatly influenced by the truths your mind believes. How can you help your peace of mind? Refocus your thoughts and create a feeling of safety and wellbeing to help prevent a cascade of ill effects (stress).
Supporting the Liver
The following thoughts for the liver and associated energetic rejuvenators will support the energetic organ system of the liver:
- All the nourishment I need is abundantly found all around me.
- I am expanding into a free and secure state where I am easily able to cope.
- The world provides a safe haven for me to reside in and grow.
- I am at peace with my own feelings, feel safe where I am and create my own security.
- The opportunities to freely move through life readily come to me.
NES Health Body Field Scan Mind Screen Brain Holograms
The Infoceuticals BSH, CH, CMH and CCH have the central purpose of energetically helping to release past emotional shocks, traumas, negative belief patterns, tape loops and memories. When any of these states become ‘trapped’ in the subconscious they can have significant impact on both emotional and physical wellbeing. By releasing and resolving past emotional issues, people tend to experience profound changes at many levels.
Shock is an acute stress reaction in response to a terrifying or traumatic event. Shock produces a deep emotional conflict and affects how we experience things and want to experience things. When an individual experiences a dramatic shock for which they have a limited coping strategy, there is a tendency for that shock to become imprinted into the subconscious.
NES research suggests that these shock/conflicts result in ‘energetic oscillations’ within the brain. Over time, if the shock is not released either naturally or through therapy, it believed that it can manifest as a physical health issue.
A Doctor's Findings Confirm NES Health Research
Dr Ryke Hamer identified a relationship between the originating shock/conflict and the locations in the brain where the oscillations occur. Dr Hamer used CT scans to identify calcification of brain tissue, which indicates a problem. He related the areas of the brain where calcification had occurred to specific tissues in the body. The correlations between originating shocks and brain location have been mapped out; the identified locations are known as ‘relay points’. The relationship between relay points in the brain and tissues of the body has also been identified. Effectively this forms a link between the mental/emotional body and the physical body where originating shocks can result in physical illness.
The Four Brain Holograms
Each of the four Brain Hologram Infoceuticals is designed to release groups of originating shock/conflict memories residing in specific regions of the brain. So, for instance, Brain Stem Hologram Infoceutical addresses emotional issues resulting from shocks of abandonment, anger, mistrust, being denied, loss of self-control, hurt and the other twelve emotions mentioned on the brain stem screen of the NES Provision software.
How illnesses can develop after a shock
The diagram at the bottom of the screen (reproduced overleaf) shows how serious illnesses can develop after a physical, mental or emotional shock. A shock conflict may come out of the blue; it may be dramatic, demanding attention; and isolating when emotional support is needed but not forthcoming. It can bring a feeling of helplessness, not knowing what to do.
The diagram overleaf shows what happens following a sudden shock or trauma. If the issue which caused the shock is addressed, in time the trauma is dissolved so there are no permanent effects. But if the shock issue is not addressed, it may be internalized and cause long-term problems. Degeneration sets in. Physical problems such as stomach ulcers, gallstones, and even cancer may arise. If the underlying issue is never dealt with, the person may have to live with the consequences forever. If the issue is resolved, regeneration commences.
Even so, there may be ‘spikes’ – short-term remembering or reliving the experience which brings discomfort. This is a normal part of the process and nothing to be concerned about. It is part of ‘saying goodbye’ to the problem, leading to full recovery. The Mind Screens (Module 5) Page 25
Please note: (1) NES is not a CT scan so we cannot say whether or not calcification has actually occurred. However, NES can indicate where there may be issues which the practitioner may wish to explore.
The indicators on the ‘shock conflict’ screen show the extent to which each of the Brain Hologram Infoceuticals is needed by the client at the time of the scan. However, when the supplementary screen is opened, it is possible that some of the indicators show purple/red or orange even when the need for the Infoceutical is low. These issues may be helpfully explored verbally with the client.
To complement the use of the Infoceuticals, counseling, NLP, hypnotherapy, EFT, acupuncture, TFT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, Matrix Reimprinting or other emotional freeing techniques may be employed to accelerate and deepen the resolution process.